Sunday, 24 January 2016

Text Game

Queers in love at the end of the world-

I found this game the most enjoyable as the fact that you only had 10 seconds play the game created a sense of urgency and fast pace even if the game itself was weird.

The Domovo

This game was clearly the most aesthetic pleasing and there was drawings on every page that helped keep you engaged and visualise what was going on. I also found that the story made more seance and I cared about what was going on.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Guess The Character - Summery

Average Score (1=Worst 5= Best):

Playability (How easy the game was to understand and how well did it function) 4
Players found the rules easy to play and play.

Visual (How good did the game look and feel) 2
Players felt the components felt flimsy and the cards were see through which effected the gameplay.

Fun Factor (How much fun was had when playing the game) 3
Players for the most part enjoyed playing the game

Average overall score: 3
The game was fun and easy to play but assets were flimsy and needed work.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Viking Rush Summery

How to improve the game - 

Although I feel that the  games fundamental basics worked and the game was playable and not broken I do feel that there are ways I could improve the game to make it more enjoyable. Firstly I would create more cards that players could draw from in each pile to ensure that cards don't become repetitive and tedious. Secondly I would change to design of the board to make it not only more interesting and visually appealing but to make it match with the Viking theme.

What making a board game has taught me -

Making a board game has helped me clearly understand the rules that are behind almost every function of a game and how they work with one another to create the game itself. Creating this game as also made me realise how any aspect of a game can effect the rules and game play of the game and how holes in the games rules can go completely undetected and can de rail a game completely if not properly accounted for.  

Viking Rush

What I thought the enjoyed about the game -

When watching others play my game I where certain things I thought the player enjoys as well as parts they didn't enjoy. From my observation I thought that the players found the rules simple and easy to understand but that there were too many rules which took too long to read. When observing I also thought that while players enjoyed the dynamic of having both good and bad squares to land on they also found that there was not enough variety of cards in the pile.

What play testers told me -

Player who had had the chance to play my board game told me that they liked being able to mess with the other players by landing on the good squares as they found it fun and more competitive. Players also like the addition of they drink dice saying that all of the effects were creative and added to the game play. The biggest issue both players found with the game was the lack of cards to draw from, they said that the same cards would show up far to frequently and were tedious and annoying. The lack of cards also made the game last much longer then it otherwise would have as one of the cards is to return to the start so players found themselves having to start all over again multiple times.